Friday 30 January 2009

Dead tired and delirious

It's my day off today so I finally have the chance to do things I used to do daily like check my mail, my blogs, do laundry and visit my grandmother. It's simply mind-boggling how little time or should I say energy, you have to do these simple and mundane things when you work. Maybe it's just me (and it probably will be) but the past few days have been the most exhausting and frustrating of my short and uneventful life making me wish that my dull and carefree pre-work existence could go on forever. Oh, how I miss waking up and having no clue what to do for the next 16 hours. For those who still have this lifestyle, cherish it even though it may seem boring now.

Anyway it's been a very tough week, physically and emotionally. Besides having a few minor breakdowns, I've also been run off my feet. The job basically entails walking around for 8 hours a day either pushing carts, unpacking or doing heavy lifting which I'm not used to. A lot of idiotic (for lack of a better word) tasks pop up that I really wasn't expecting like checking the labels on every single book and I do mean every single one to check if there's a G on there somewhere which means I have to type it into the computer so other branches know we've got too much stock.

Naturally seeing as I don't know the inns and outs yet, they're giving me as little responsibility as possible and are making me run around the shop all day in order to get familiar with it but stimulating or even interesting it sure as hell ain't. Luckily this means I don't have to help a lot with the cash register as we are already got off to a rocky start. Damn you technology! I'm just hoping it'll become fun or even remotely satisfying soon.

At least now I've got the time to reboot and as silly as it sounds, catch up on some reading 'cause every night I come home, eat and go to bed. Each attempt I've made to read this week ended up with me staring, literally staring at a page for 15 minutes. I'm that tired. And it's about time I finish Norwegian Wood. New Moon has also finally arrived and I'm dying to get my teeth into it but I've also got my book club book (As I lay Dying) to start and finish before next weekend. So many books so little time...

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