Sunday 28 September 2008


Four days have passed since the operation which went fine by the way, except for the fact that my wounds kept bleeding and I wouldn't stop throwing up but I'm OK now. My jaw still hurts a lot but that's to be expected and I also resemble a slightly bruised chipmunk but I can live with that.
As I predicted, I've been spending most of my days in front of the TV catching up on shows that I missed out on seeing as I don't have cable but luckily for me I can watch them all on DVD, a highly under-valued piece on technology if you ask me. I may still be a couple of seasons behind but now I know what all the fuss was about when it comes to Deadwood, Battlestar Gallactica, Desperate Housewives, Dead like me, Studio 60 and Californication.
I haven't spent much time in front of the computer or reading as a matter of fact. I think I started 6 novels the past few days only to tire of them after 30 pages or so. My lust for literature has been definitely dwindling these past few months but I'm sure it'll pick up again as soon as it gets colder. For some peculiar reason I can never concentrate when the sun is shining, hence my blossoming telly addiction.


Niels R. said...

Deadwood & Dead Like Me are really cool series which are unfortunately cancelled :s

I would like to see that Dead Like Me gets continued after all, but I suppose I better hope for something else...

BTW: Did you buy Dead Like Me in Belgium or have you got it imported?

GinnyJones said...

Dead Like Me was imported but the last I heard was that they are turning it into a movie to tie up loose ends.