Tuesday 23 September 2008

Pre-op ponderings

I'm having surgery tomorrow and I'm really really nervous. This will be the first time that I'm anesthetized and to tell you the truth, that's what scares me the most. You know, the possibility of not waking up, ever.
I've probably seen way too many movies and medical drama's where they naturally emphasize what could go wrong instead of showing you how routine a procedure might be. But then, where's the fun in that? Damn you TV! Still, the suckers are lodged deeply in my jaw and if that wasn't bad enough exactly under my joint, so joy!

They've prescribed painkillers that are supposedly strong enough to take out a horse so pain shouldn't be an issue. I especially loved the part when the nurse said I should be careful not to take too many or mix them with any other kind of medication without consulting a doctor first in order to prevent Heath Ledger-type tragedies. Gulp.
I'll probably spend the next two weeks in a blissful haze of indifference while I read, blog or watch non-stop TV as my face deflates and returns to it's usual milky white color.
Although I have to admit, besides the anesthesia, the staying in part is bugging me the most. Despite that I spend a lot of time at home now, I'm definitely not a homebody. Spending prolonged periods of time indoors have a rather, how shall I say, depressing effect on me. And that is why I ask you, dear reader, to be my prozac seeing as actually taking it would probably kill me right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be your Prozac and your xanax all at once ;) mail me if you get bored