The past few months I've also noticed that I don't use as many photographs as other blogs do. Ok, I illustrate the City with covers from books and movies but I rarely use actual"homemade" photographs, although I am working on this (check out recent posts). I often feel the need to share images with you guys but then I think, Jeeez now I have to write something as well and that occasionally puts me off. Call me conventional, but the City was created for literary musings and not snapshots but it's time to get with the program, so I've decided to start a new blog: Decadent Daisy
Decdent Daisy isn't a 365-day project but a photo diary where I'll share some random day to day photographs for your viewing pleasure. Call it Ginny Jones: A life in pictures. It's my goal to make a personal collection of ordinary yet memorable events that sadly hardly ever get immortalised and are otherwise quickly forgotten seeing as I have a tendency to only capture our holidays on film. The Sumptuous City will still continue as she always has, filled with reviews and ramblings but if you're in the mood for less talk and more action check out Decadent Daisy, where words come to life ;-)