Wednesday 1 April 2009

Hitting the books again

I haven't been to work the past few days because I'm been fighting off the cold from hell, seriously I wasn't aware that one person could produce so much mucus! After ruining several people's newspapers,... due to bad reflexes (I don't look away on time when I sneeze) it seemed better for all, but me especially, to stay clear of customers for a while and it has been bliss. I really missed being at home like this and picking up my old habits. It's funny that after months of being home I couldn't wait to get away but now, I wish I never had to leave. I'll probably be whistling a different tune if days would once again turn into months but I'm not complaining just yet. Besides the fun will be over tomorrow .

I'll probably have a lot of work to do seeing as this week we kick off the main event of my soon to be over career at Standaard Boekhandel; Literaire Lente (literary spring). Window displays have to be created, booths have to be built, titles have to be selected so that an angry mob (being the customers who aren't always "pleasent") can ravages them. I just hope my section will have survived without me the past few days and hasn't been turned into a pile of rubble like it was a couple of months ago. I know, I hate my job but I've grown quite fond of those damn books.

Anyway, during my tiny time-out I decided to commit some more time to my writing and for once start taking myself seriously. I've even started "studying" again just to show you how determined I am to make this work. It'll probably take a while before everything starts falling into places but for the first time in months a glimmer of hope is starting to shine through.

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