Friday 10 October 2008

the dangling diva speeks

The past few days have been rather hectic to say the least. I've just returned from a funeral which was as you might have guessed not that amusing despite the fact that the minister sneezed on the microphone and we were all witness to a colorful display of mucus dripping down ever so slowly for the remainder of the ceremony.

What else? I booked a trip to Paris which I'm really excited about. We're also going to Eurodisney and I'm finally going to meet Winnie the Pooh, in the flesh so yippee! Besides our next "vacation" I'm also going to have a lot of planning and possibly even baking fun as I'm helping my dear friend Katrien organize her undoubtedly exceptional 26th birthday party.

I made an excursion to the toy store which was a lot of fun as I haven't been in one in years. I highly recommend it, it takes off years instantly! Especially if you happen to be in the presence of a ferocious Boing Boing Tigger. I was actually brainstorming for a present seeing as my godson will have his first birthday next month. Although the options are endless, my budget isn't so numerous field expeditions will still be required.

I've also done quite a bit of reading: The Wind-up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami, highly recommended (although I haven't finished it yet) but I finished watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and am convinced of Hollywood's gradual retardation seeing as they axed this sublime show.

And finally I also had an audition in Leuven on Wednesday. As I'm not having any luck finding a job backstage, I decided to make the transition to center stage if only to quench my inner diva's thirst.

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