I handed in three papers yesterday, hence the silence. I should be researching my last paper as we speak but seeing as I’m lacking inspiration or any kind of enthusiasm, I thought I’d keep you all informed about the joys of being me. Not much has happened the past week: lots of researching (again DeLillo be damned), writing (about 30 pages a week) and I celebrated my 26th birthday. I’m officially a big girl now. To commemorate this joyous occasion my sweetheart bought me the most gorgeous ruby necklace ever (meaning, as witnessed by me until now) which made me so blissfully happy that I need to share this with the world. And I just did.
I also read Starting out in the Evening by Brian Morton last week who was totally unknown to me. They just made a movie out of the novel starring Frank Langella and Lauren Ambrose (Six Feet Under’s Claire) which was getting rave reviews and through the trailer I discovered the book. Go figure. Anyway, it was a beautiful story about an aging writer and a young student who’s writing her master’s thesis (a concept that gives me the chills right about now) on his work. I highly recommend it and can’t wait to see the film.
Talking about movies, its been ages since I’ve been to the cinema, a few weeks at least. Bare in mind, I used to go twice a week but that was a long time ago in a land far, far away. When I’m finished with these godawful papers (which I suck at apparently seeing as I was told I can’t write, at least not academically speaking), then I’m locking myself into the multiplex for a day. Hell, I’ve deserved it.